Hi there, and welcome to our forum! I'm so excited you've come to read our stuff <3

      We are a brand new fan-made RP based off of the Little Nightmares video game series! Since we are so new, some of the kinks are still being worked out. If you see anything that needs fixing/adjusting, let us know!

So, What is Little Nightmares?

Maybe you have heard of the game or played it before. Or maybe you are interested and want to know what it is about! Absolutely no knowledge of the game is required to play, but here is some information you should know before roleplaying.

We are based off of Little Nightmares II. A distant signal tower in a falling apart city is giving off a humming signal that is distorting the world and everything in it. In the game, you play as Mono, a kid probably only foot tall, unaffected by the signal, but trapped in the distorted world. He journeys to the city with Six, another small kid like himself, and together they travel to the tower to stop its signal. All kinds of huge monsters await them that they must avoid and sneak past to survive.

Bascically (and more information on Character Info link), you can either play as your own small human kid or create your own Distorted monster/creature. We are set in a dark, falling apart city.